Cross Connect

The Power of the Cross Connects

Across denominations, few things are common and have the power to promote unity among the church of Christ, like the covenant established at the Cross. If what happened at the cross established us, it also has the power to unite and keep us. Here we will not only re-emphasise the power of the cross, but we will call upon those things that bear witness to the cross, The Spirit, Water and Blood of the Christ.

Traditions of Men

Putting all the man-induced doctrines that birthed division aside and taking only what is necessary for the journey we hope you will join us and embrace what is common; the love of God which lead to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His Word and Son, that which makes it possible for ALL to be saved.

  • Some concentrate on some laws of God more so than others.
  • Some believe that our bodies are significant to spiritual growth more so than others.
  • Some understand and pursue the demonstrated power of the Holy Spirit more than others.
  • Some concentrate on the mandate from certain aspects more so than others.

Regardless of our differences and for whatever reasons we have separated, it is time to unite. We must unite because we fight a united enemy.

A Call for Unity

We are not proposing to create some new super hierarchal entity outside of denominations, God has already done that, and He calls it His Church, instead we want to remind us all of the Eclessia and to refocus on it’s Head (Jesus Christ) together, so it’s body can function as one.

Connect around the Cross

What we are proposing, is that we come together to function as the Ecclesia with our differences. “Difference is for the purpose of purpose”, hence, twelve tribes, hence eyes, ears, hands and feet. 

We the body of Christ, need to now pull our strengths together so we can stand as one body, we need to identify each other and be identified as His.

If we bare witness to the same Witnesses of the Cross and give the same testimony of Jesus Christ, and our fruit is aligned with His Original Spirit of the Word, in all humility are we not, therefore, the sons and daughters of YHWH our common Father?

The purest form of evangelism is this John 13:35. Let’s show the earth who waits upon us that we are indeed His Romans 8:19-24.
We are joined together by the same Spirit, let our souls also unite and edify each other as we are called to do, that together we can build each other up as we establish the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, John 13:35.

Perhaps the most underestimated tool given to mankind is prayer. Let us pray for each other, confessing our sins, that we may be healed, integral to our fellowship is our praying for each other. James 5:16

1 Timothy 2:1

We learn way more from each other by being together, than most books, sermons or shows could express. Let us be the books, sermons and movies we see, by embracing the experiences and lives of each other in love.

The God we serve has made provision for the poor, the widows and the orphans, by commands He has given us. Have we done this to the extent that He has commanded?  Yes, they are many who do, but how much more can we accomplish if we work on these together?


How much can $1 dollar from 1 million provide to a cause, we aren’t found wanting in many areas because we lack, we are found wanted because what we are rich in isn’t shared, naturally or spiritually.


What happens when a small church with 300 souls, needs $100,000 to replace a roof,? What if 200,000 people can give 50 cents each?


When will the souls that God is concerned with be the souls that we are concerned with? When will our scope of God’s kingdom expand beyond our 4 walls?