Matthew 5:5 – Whose Name are you establishing?
Scripture: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Are you meek Andre? I believe I am sometimes. Then by your answer, you are sometimes My Father’s...
As believers the word “walk” should have some significance to us in the context of our faith. When we think of walking we think of steady, purposeful progression toward a destination. This is what “theWalk” is about, it is about progressively growing and going toward the fulfilment of our purpose in God through the kingdom practices of discipleship and fellowship.
The question isn’t if we are going somewhere, the question is where we are going, and how are we getting there? To walk with us you must agree with us – Amos 3:3, therefore we encourage you to see what we believe.
How we walk together after establishing ‘what we believe’ or in the context of walking ‘where we are willing to place our feet’, is all about helping each other to stay on the right path, and to move along the path as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Discipleship | Teaching and Fellowship | Unity. It is by seeking after the wisdom needed for the journey James 1:5 and walking together as one body Ephesians 4:16, knowing that we are greater together that we are apart, that will see us reach our common destination.
The series are aimed at generating dialogue in which we will assess our place in Christ and subsequently teach and learn together how best to facilitate each other with fulfilling our God-given mandates and purposes.
As we plan and travel on this momentous journey we may want to ensure that we are properly provided for and protected along the way. There is no greater way to prepare us for the journey than feasting and resting in the safety of the Word of God.
This aspect of the ministry concentrates on one of the key aspects of theWalk’s mandate, and this is to facilitate the development of the new believer.
myWalk deals with the individual development of the Ministry’s members, this is where we concentrate on our individual and collective purposes and goals, dealing with our past, present and future in Christ.
Here our goal is to collectively work to provide resources to aid ministries and individuals with spreading the gospel of Christ and living purpose-filled lives.
There are few gifts given to man to affect Godly change as powerful or critical as prayer, here we as a government learn to pray His will and connect to Him through prayer.
True believers have more in common than they have differences and so we embrace diversity, knowing that diversity is birthed by purpose, our objective is, therefore, to facilitate the connection and support of believers, across ministries, denominations and geography.
Facilitate the interconnection of believers and ministries via hosted events as well as making known the news and events concerning the ministries and regions within our community or scope.
Organize and train members to fellowship and evangelize through the hosting of small group activities to emphasize the importance of fellowship of believers and to provide intimate sessions to affect those they may want to reach.
Provide digital and physical environments for the fellowship among ministers, either by specific gifting or generally, where through fellowship deeper ministry focused relationships and collective objectives and support can be fostered.
As believers the word “walk” should have some significance to us in the context of our faith. When we think of walking we think of steady, purposeful progression toward a destination. This is what “theWalk” is about, it is about progressively growing and going toward the fulfilment of our purpose in God through the kingdom practices of discipleship and fellowship.
The question isn’t if we are going somewhere, the question is where we are going, and how are we getting there? To walk with us you must agree with us – Amos 3:3, therefore we encourage you to see what we believe.
How we walk together after establishing ‘what we believe’ or in the context of walking ‘where we are willing to place our feet’, is all about helping each other to stay on the right path, and to move along the path as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Discipleship | Teaching and Fellowship | Unity. It is by seeking after the wisdom needed for the journey James 1:5 and walking together as one body Ephesians 4:16, knowing that we are greater together that we are apart, that will see us reach our common destination.
The series are aimed at generating dialogue in which we will assess our place in Christ and subsequently teach and learn together how best to facilitate each other with fulfilling our God-given mandates and purposes.
As we plan and travel on this momentous journey we may want to ensure that we are properly provided for and protected along the way. There is no greater way to prepare us for the journey than feasting and resting in the safety of the Word of God.
This aspect of the ministry concentrates on one of the key aspects of theWalk’s mandate, and this is to facilitate the development of the new believer.
myWalk deals with the individual development of the Ministry’s members, this is where we concentrate on our individual and collective purposes and goals, dealing with our past, present and future in Christ.
Here our goal is to collectively work to provide resources to aid ministries and individuals with spreading the gospel of Christ and living purpose-filled lives.
There are few gifts given to man to affect Godly change as powerful or critical as prayer, here we as a government learn to pray His will and connect to Him through prayer.
True believers have more in common than they have differences and so we embrace diversity, knowing that diversity is birthed by purpose, our objective is, therefore, to facilitate the connection and support of believers, across ministries, denominations and geography.
Facilitate the interconnection of believers and ministries via hosted events as well as making known the news and events concerning the ministries and regions within our community or scope.
Organize and train members to fellowship and evangelize through the hosting of small group activities to emphasize the importance of fellowship of believers and to provide intimate sessions to affect those they may want to reach.
Provide digital and physical environments for the fellowship among ministers, either by specific gifting or generally, where through fellowship deeper ministry focused relationships and collective objectives and support can be fostered.
As believers the word “walk” should have some significance to us in the context of our faith. When we think of walking we think of steady, purposeful progression toward a destination.
This is what “theWalk” is about, it is about progressively growing and going toward the fulfilment of our purpose in God through the kingdom practices of discipleship and fellowship.
Donate monetarily or with your time, join us as we seek to strengthen each other and others on our walk with Christ. Click here to see where you can help, and click here to learn more about us.
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Scripture: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Are you meek Andre? I believe I am sometimes. Then by your answer, you are sometimes My Father’s...
Scripture: Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Do you mourn? What do you mourn over? If you walk with Me for whatever you mourn you...
Scripture: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Do you have a poor spirit? Who gets the glory from your being noticeably poor in...
© theWalk Ministries Int’l. All Rights Reserved.
We are a group of individuals scattered across the world with one common goal, to concentrate on our walk with our Lord Jesus Christ and to aid others in doing the same, nothing more and nothing less. With this ministry and with your participation we will endeavor to look closely at the word of God as presented in the Bible, and ascribing to it the status of Holy, whole heartedly seek God’s truth in an effort to express our love through obedience to His every command, “together”.