Cross Over


CrossOver encompasses one of the fundamental mandates of theWalk and concentrates on the holistic transition of new converts after their decision to pursue a relationship with Christ. This ministry seeks to aid new members to the Body of Christ with enhancing their relationship with Jesus, finding their fulfillment of purpose within the Father’s plan and with finding their place within His body the Ecclesia.

We will seek to provide through scripture and by the power of the Holy Spirit answers to many of the questions new converts have. Whenever it is deemed beneficial and prudent, we would also assist with facilitating either through our network of partners or with our team, counseling and deliverance. There is a unique aspect of this ministry which will provide temporary living arrangements as we provide an environment for the basis of transitioning through the various stages of our walk with Christ, as we seek to overcome the conditions and experiences borne from our past and present. We are well aware and bare testimony to the unnecessary, prolonged inhibiting consequences in our developing the meaningful, trusting relationship our Heavenly Father desires us to have with Him due to our foundational fears and inhospitable environments.

Community Integration

The Bible has much to say about sharing the gospel and about fellowship. Central to our vision is the integration and collaboration of ministries and their support of each other.  This aspect of CrossOver is focused on, Church Placement, Fellowship between church groups and denominations, and Small Groups.

Counselling & Support

Who amongst us needed someone to lean on, in one form or another? We facilitate this interaction through the shared experiences of our community and through our qualified partners.


Our housing program is designed to address two specific areas: New Converts in Hostile Environments and Mentorship for ministry. Scripture clearly says by what criteria the sheep and the goat will be separated at the Jesus’ return, this is every believer’s duty. Matthew 25:31-46