Matthew 5:4 – What do you mourn? Are you mourning what God mourns?
Scripture: Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Do you mourn? What do you mourn over? If you walk with Me for
Scripture: Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Do you mourn? What do you mourn over? If you walk with Me for
A desire to Move What energizes our movement Movement or action is determined by many things, some very basic and instinctive, like eating, sleeping, etc.,
© theWalk Ministries Int’l. All Rights Reserved.
We are a group of individuals scattered across the world with one common goal, to concentrate on our walk with our Lord Jesus Christ and to aid others in doing the same, nothing more and nothing less. With this ministry and with your participation we will endeavor to look closely at the word of God as presented in the Bible, and ascribing to it the status of Holy, whole heartedly seek God’s truth in an effort to express our love through obedience to His every command, “together”.